52 Weeks with C. London: 2024 Edition

Welcome to the sixth iteration of 52 Weeks with C. London!

What started as a small project of self-motivation has grown to an incredibly supportive and engaged community of photographers of all levels and genres, spread out across the world. I am incredibly humbled by the path this little project has taken, and am so appreciative of the continued support from all participants!

For those of us who have been along for the ride, you may already know that last year saw a shift in how the prompts were presented. Instead of each week having a specific prompt tied to it, each month had an overarching theme with four individual prompts to be completed in any order, any time during the month. It’s important to note that I do intentionally choose the order, but I understand that lives make certain prompts difficult during certain weeks. Feedback for this new structure has been overwhelmingly positive, so I am excited to say that we will be using this format again in 2024.

I will also reiterate, that if you haven’t joined the discord yet, please do! You’ll find an incredibly supportive community there ready to engage with your submissions, answer questions, or even just chat photography. Join the discord here!

I have also started up a podcast this year, with my co-host David Patton. We regularly discuss 52 Weeks, and address challenges and successes of the prompts. In addition to the podcast, I’ve started a YouTube channel where I’ll pop on with quick chats about the prompts. I genuinely appreciate anyone who follows along. Subscribe here!

This year, I have also created a Learning Journal that you can download and keep with you through the year. This is a great way to keep yourself accountable and motivated. It also allows for you to look back on your progress. Download the Learning Journal free here or you can purchase a paperback version!

So, how do you submit? That’s up to you! Here are the options:

  1. Discord. This is the best way to partake, as we have real-time conversations throughout the year. Join via this link.

  2. Instagram. Use the hashtag #clondon52 and #clondon52_01 (where ‘01’ equates to the month we’re currently working through.)

  3. Flickr. Join the group 52 Weeks with C. London. Be sure to title or subtitle your image with the month and name of the prompt we are currently working through.

  4. Reddit. Join the subreddit r/clondon52. Be sure to title with the month and name of the prompt we are currently working through.

  5. Facebook. Join the group 52 Weeks with C. London. There will be a dedicated album for each month’s prompt to which you will add your photos.

  6. Email. Don’t do social media? No problem! Email me your submissions to chelsea@clondon.me. Please put 52 Weeks in the subject headline.

Remember: The purpose of the challenge is to make new photos with the prompt in mind, not to just find photos you already have which happen to fit the prompt.

May : Opposites

This month is all about finding and exploring contrasting elements. That trite idea of juxtaposition = art will be your best friend for these prompts. Try and work through the obvious and find some thoughtful compositions through the scene, lighting, subjects, et cetera.  

  • Big vs. Small: Show the contrast of size in your composition. This can be a literal “here’s a big thing next to a small thing,” or a more abstract idea that approaches big versus small. 

  • Near vs. Far: Play with perspective to create a sense of depth. Having a close foreground element against a deep background element, can create a deep frame. You can also approach this in a less literal way. 

  • Artificial vs. Natural: Whether you live in a big city or in a rural area, the artificial world is always interacting with the natural. Show this struggle or symbiotic relationship in your final image.

  • Nature vs. Nurture: We’re going to leave this one entirely up to interpretation. Approach it however makes sense to you.

Come back next month for the next set of prompts!

April : Life

In the northern hemisphere, April brings Spring, which brings new life. Of course it is the opposite for our Southern Hemisphere friends, but luckily the idea of life works both ways. This month, we’re going to focus in on the concept of life - feel free to be as creative with these prompts as you can be. We’re going for more open-ended and ambiguous prompting from here on out. 

  • Still, Life. I’ll leave this one up to your interpretation. Are you vibing with a traditional still life, or maybe you want to showcase that somehow, life, uh, finds a way. 

  • Past Lives. Not only my favorite movie from last year, but also an opportunity to explore how things once were. You can show us what your life was like at a different period of your life, or maybe recreate a scene from a different decade. However you interpret the concept of past lives is fair game.

  • After Life. Somehow Palpatine returned. That mostly-empty mall in town. A browning banana peel. Your favorite zombie video game. Pull inspiration from what comes after. Bonus points for Pedro Pascal up close and personal. 

  • A Day in the Life. “It is time.” - Rafiki. Everyone’s (least?) favorite - A Day in the Life! For this prompt, you will choose one day this month to document fully - from the moment you awake, until right before falling asleep. Aim to take one photo an hour, at the least. If you’re documenting a day where you’re sitting at your work desk for 8 hours, for instance, try to find new viewpoints for each photo (close-ups of your keyboard, mug, wide shots of your set-up, etc). In the days following documenting your whole day, cull those photos down to no more than 10 photos that sum up your day. Then choose one which will be your hero image, fully encapsulating your day. 

March : Textures and Patterns

This month is all about pattern recognition - and if a 1 year old can do it, so can you! This month is all about textures and patterns. 

  • Found patterns. Nature and (sub)urban spaces are ripe with patterns. Whether it be vines scaling a building, or ticky-tacky little houses on the hillside, look for patterns. When photographing them, make sure the pattern is the star of the shot - you can use the pattern to amplify a subject, or it can stand on it’s own. 

  • Contrasting elements. For this prompt, you will juxtapose contrasting elements within a single frame. Seek out scenes where opposing textures or patterns collide—smooth against rough, light against dark. Capture the harmony that arises when these contrasting elements come together.

  • Abstract textures. This week just have fun! Experiment with angles, lighting, and framing to transform familiar textures into abstract compositions. Let the viewer's imagination roam as they engage with the ambiguity of your textured abstractions.

  • Repetition. We’re looking for visual rhythm in your photograph this week. Whether it's the orderly arrangement of objects, the repeated shapes in architecture, or the rhythmic play of light and shadow, explore the impact of repetition in establishing a sense of harmony and balance within your compositions.

February : Space Exploration

Being the shortest month, and often cloaked in greyness in the Northern Hemisphere, February is the month where motivation often comes to die. For this month, we will be focusing on the spaces around us regardless of inspiring light.

  • Depth. For this prompt, we’re going to explore the three elements of a scene - the foreground, mid ground, and backgrounds. Your image should showcase depth through clear delineation of these parts of the scene. As an experiment, try creating three images of the same scene wherein one has the foreground in focus, one with the mid ground, and one with the background. If you’re up for additional experimentation, what happens when you combine the three?

  • Fill the Frame: If you’re unsure of how to effectively capture a scene, it may be because there are many distracting elements or unnecessary empty bits. Try filling the frame with your intended subject. This isolates the subject and makes it very obvious to the viewer. Don’t be afraid to get really close, either. Be completely unapologetic about your attempt to fill the frame. Combine this technique with patterns for a really dynamic shot.

  • Scale: Scale is simply showing the viewer how large something is (or isn’t). By using an element which everyone knows the size of, you can show the viewer the immensity or puniness of an element. Common usages may be a person being completely dwarfed by a large building, thereby showing that building is impressively large. You can play this the other way, as well. 

  • Explore the space. This prompt find you really taking your time understanding the scene in front of you. Pick a room, street corner, or other constrained space and set your time for ten minutes. Take as many photos as you can in that time, trying to get as many different angles and compositions as you can. Pay attention to the details of your chosen space, as well as the broad strokes. For your submission, choose the one photo which most displays what it is about the space which inspires and interests you.

January : Setting Goals

As always, we start out the year considering why we’re committing to this challenge. Whether personal or professional, identifying goals makes the following year more meaningful and intentional. For this month, the prompts are all focused on helping you to identify how to make the most out of the project. So, this month make your new photos while consciously thinking about the challenge and your own personal goals for photography.

  • Past experiences with photography. Every participant comes to this challenge at a different stage in their photographic journey. Show us where you are with a new photo showing what you’ve done and where you are. Maybe you’re particularly interested in wildlife, portraits, street, automotive, sport, or anything else. You really have free range here to intentionally photograph what you like, how you normally would.

  • Recreation of an old photo. You probably have a photo you’ve taken in the past that you’re either really happy with, or feel like you could approach differently. For this prompt, I want you to choose an old photo and re-take it. When doing this, think about what it is you like about the photo and what you dislike. Use those ideas to approach it thoughtfully.

  • Introduction. Introduce yourself to the community! You can do this through a self portrait, photo of another hobby or passion you have, showing something about your day to day life, et cetera. Really this can be any way you want to say hi!

  • A main photographic goal for the year. What do you hope to get out of this challenge? Take some time to really consider why you’ve decided to join in. Identifying the ‘why’ will help keep you motivated and engaged throughout the year. For this photo, I want you to address your goal in whichever way you believe will support you in achieving it. We will revisit this goal twice more throughout the year, so keep it in the back of your mind.

Chelsea London Phillips

Nomadic native New Yorker.


52 Weeks with C.London : 2023 Edition