Make four photos.

  • Found Natural Light: The first photo should be entirely natural light and not modified actively by you. Just use the natural light as it comes. You can of course position yourself or subject to take full advantage of the light, but do not intentionally bounce or diffuse the light. 

  • Manipulated Natural Light: For this photo, you will modify the natural light. If you don’t have any specific light modification tools like a reflector, be creative and find different ways to modify the light. A white posterboard works well as a reflector. A white sheet as a skrim. You can get even more creative, using lace to create shadowed patterns on your subject, for instance.

  • Found Artificial Light: For some you may think this is your first foray into artificial light, but in reality, you’ve dealt with artificial light many time before - be it a table lamp, neon sign, street light, etc. For this photo, use what artificial light you can find as the main source of light for your image. Do not manipulate this light in any way - not even by moving that table lamp. You may move yourself/subject to best take advantage of the found artificial light.

  • Manipulated Artificial Light: Now it’s your turn to put on your Type A hats and really control the scene and final image. Using whatever artificial light you have at hand (whether it be professional studio equipment or simply the flashlight on your phone) modify the light to make the final image. You can use modifiers or simply move the lights to the desired effect. 

Include a write up about the light you found and how you manipulated light with your submissions. What was difficult about this assignment? What came natural (pun) to you? Include what feedback you are looking for as far as your final submissions.

Don’t forget to complete your Learning Journals!

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